I KNOW YOUR SECRET is a psychological thriller theatre production that navigates social influence and the dangers of social media. Fused with humour and original music in a set design with striking visuals, this fast-paced production will spark your attention.

Seven characters arrive to the home of Andy after only knowing Andy online. What happens next will have you on the edge of your seat. Written and directed by Valerie Methot with a creative team of diverse youth and artists, I KNOW YOUR SECRET is a product of our time with the deeply entrenched integration of social media.

Celebrating its 24th  season, Some Assembly’s theatre collaborations between youth and professional artists aim to promote awareness, wellness, dialogue, and positive social change around social issues and issues faced by youth. Some Assembly is the recipient of the City of Vancouver Youth Award for outstanding contribution to the youth community and the Deryck Thomson Award for exceptional contribution to community building and well-being.


Playwright/Director/Set Designer/Sound Designer: Valerie Methot
Youth Artists: Ciara Wilkinson, Ayden Ramzan, Alastair Hamann, Arlo Lim, Ariyan Ramzan, Phoenix Lee, Greta Bradsher, Isobel Galsworthy, Skyler Lee, Lily Truesdell, Von Lochan, Victor Chow, Praveen Mohadevan.
Video Artist/Filmmaker: Sally Zori
Set Designer/Visual Artist: Duane Murrin
Original Music Composer/Musician/Performer/Sound Designer: Patrick Graham
Movement Director/Physical Dramaturg/Mentor: Susan Bertoia
Script Consultants/Acting Coaches/Mentors: Tina Biello, Allen Morrison, Sophie Labrie, Matt Clarke
Costume Designer: Nik McLaren
Expressive Arts Support: Heather McCrae
Music Mentor/Singer/Songwriter/Musician: Sophie Labrie
Indigenous Cultural Expression Mentor: Lauren Preissl
Musicians/Mentors: Alison Jenkins, James Moore
Technical Director: Jeremy Baxter
Lighting Designer/Technician: Anna Brancato
QLab/Technician: Chantele Fry
Script Research: Youth from Lord Roberts Elementary, Prince of Wales Mini School, Lord Nelson Elementary, WEST Program
Photographer: Gaetan Nerincx
Social Media/Q&A Facilitator: Brogan Ho
Props-Making/Design Assistants: Isobel Galsworthy, Skyler Lee, Victor Chow, Von Lochan, Lily Truesdell, Ayden Ramzan, Ariyan Ramzan,Alastair Hamann, Phoenix Lee

Key Partners: Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre and Vancouver Coastal Health Community Partners and Sponsors: Sarah McLachlan School of Music, Vancouver School Board, Methotical Productions, Scene Ideas Inc., Caliper Print & Signage Solutions, and media sponsors The Georgia Straight and Stir Vancouver.

Funders: City of Vancouver, Vancouver Board of Parks & Recreation, BC Arts Council, Ministry of Children & Family Development, Province of British Columbia, Canada Council for the Arts, Metro Vancouver, CLICK Foundation, Hamber Foundation, The Steve Nash Foundation, Quercus Foundation, Lohn Foundation, Harivad Foundation, Deux Mille Foundation, Grosvenor, Private Donors

Media Clippings:

Stir Vancouver

The Georgia Straight

The Source

Arts Rationale

I KNOW YOUR SECRET promotional video created by Sally Zori


I KNOW YOUR SECRET video of show filmed by Kryshan Randel, Jason Pope